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We're a network of Vermont Chefs, Farmers, Food Artisans, and Diners.
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Be a Part of the Work We Do

December 19, 2018

The Vermont Fresh Network began in 1996 as one of the nation's first farmer-chef networks dedicated to creating a strong local food system. 

Since that time, the importance of chefs and other culinary professionals as purchasers of local foods, and partners in creating a culture that values local foods, has only increased. Today Americans spend more money on food away from home than they do on groceries to prepare at home. Farmer-chef connections are crucial to shaping the future of our food.

The work of the Vermont Fresh Network in this arena relies on the support of our membership. Our Partner Members are the farmers, food producers, chefs, and other culinary professionals who meet VFN criteria for local food purchasing / sales. Our Supporting Members are individuals and businesses that support our local food mission, but don't necessarily match our Partner Member categories.

Supporting Members are a key part of our network. Not only do their donations provide critical funding for our year round programs, they also participate in our workshops, conferences, and food events (at discounted member rates), join in our educational programs, support our conference scholarship project, receive regular updates about Vermont local food work, and enjoy VFN-sponsored initiatives like the annual Open Farm Week and Annual Forum Dinner at Shelburne Farms. 

You can read more about 2018 highlights and how they connect to Supporting Membership in this brief report:  VFN-Highlights-from-2018.pdf


You can become a Supporting Member yourself (or renew your membership) easily through your online donation of $50 or more.

Become a Supporting Member Today!

Thank you to Flavor Plate for donating their time and effort to the design and co-development of our website.