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Webinar: Local Partnerships for Restaurants

November 29, 2023

For chefs and restaurants, prioritizing partnerships with local farms and producers can be a challenge.Vermont Fresh Network Gold Barn members spend at least 35% of their annual food purchasing budget with local partners, and in this webinar you'll hear from Gold Barn members Sean Blomgren of Spruce Peak and Hervé Mahé of Bistro de Margot about what local partnerships look like for them, how prioritizing local impacts their culinary programs, and why they opt to purchase locally-grown and produced foods where they can.



Local Partnerships for Restaurants


Sean Blomgren, Executive Chef, Lodge at Spruce Peak (Stowe)

Hervé Mahé, Chef/Owner, Bistro de Margot (Burlington)


Jessie Hoyng, Membership & Events Manager, Vermont Fresh Network


Presented On: Monday, Nov. 27, 2023

If you have trouble with the embedded video, the recording is also posted here.


This webinar series was produced by Vermont Fresh Network in partnership with the University of Vermont Extension. Funding for this project is provided by the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets and the Working Land Enterprise Board.

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