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Vermont Holiday Adventures

December 17, 2014

Family in town for the holidays? Kids on school break? Feeling stir crazy? Find an authentic Vermont adventure that will please them all! Enjoy these festive winter activities across Vermont.

- There are few things more seasonal than a horse drawn sleigh ride

- Hit the slopes! Vermont has some of the best skiing and slopeside dining. Vermont's mountain towns are filled with farm-to-table fun for the whole family. Follow a trail to find a day, weekend or week-long trip to a Vermont ski area with fantastic, local dining options and excellent terrain:

- Explore the backcountry on foot, snowshoe or cross country skis! These Vermont inns, lodges and farms have majestic trails to enjoy. 

-Tour a wine, beer, cheese, cider and/or distilled spirit trail! Build your own on or choose one of these

For more winter holiday adventures, visit and search by activity or town and check out the extensive event listing!

Thank you to Flavor Plate for donating their time and effort to the design and co-development of our website.