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Fresh off the Farm - Misty Knoll

April 30, 2014

Misty Knoll Farm produces the most chicken and turkey in Vermont by a long shot. Owners Rob Litch and John Palmer have been in the poultry game since 1991 and credit much of their success to their product’s popularity with chefs.

Rob and John are able to offer the quality, quantity and consistency needed to supply hundreds of Vermont restaurants with the most America's most consumed meat--chicken, but they might not have gotten there if Rob hadn’t been taken into the kitchen at the Basin Harbor Club years ago. Former Basin Harbor Executive Chef David Merrill was the first to teach Rob about plate costs and his need for a consistent product. Understanding how Chef David was storing, prepping, cooking, plating and pricing his chicken helped Rob guide his business to supply that level of product.


Where does Rob like to go to enjoy some Misty Knoll Chicken?
Antidote in Vergennes!

Rob heads to the Antidote for the triple decker Antidote Club. Chef Ian Huizenga smokes his Misty Knoll chicken legs and serves them with house-made brown sugar cured bacon, baby arugula, tomato, pickled onions, and horseradish aioli on Potato Hill sour dough bread. You can find three different options for a Misty Knoll dinner on the Antidote’s restaurant week menu, including the club! 

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