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Fresh off the Farm - Blake Hill Preserves

January 22, 2014

Vicky Allard and Joe Hanglin of Blake Hill Preserves take their jams, marmalades and chutneys to unique and exquisite culinary heights, recently earning them a record breaking three finalists spots in the Good Food Awards and a win for their Plum & Fennel Chutney! It’s all about sophistication and layering flavors perfectly at Blake Hill, starting with locally sourced, high quality ingredients. “Unless the fruit tastes amazing in its true, untouched, state, you can’t make a delicious preserve from it,” shared Vicky.

What is Vicky excited about right now?
Pulling from diverse flavor profiles to create new chutneys… 

Vicky and Joe’s unique heritage inspired two new flavors under development at Blake Hill. Joe grew up in Gibraltar, and is pulling from the strong Spanish and Moroccan influence of his homeland to create a tagine inspired chutney and Vicky, who hails from a long line of English Preservers, is working on a British Pub lunch “in a jar,” drawing from dates, horseradish and ale to create the authentic flavor. 


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